Frugal Knitting Haus is having a sale that lasts until Sunday. They are giving 20% off any order over $35 before shipping. You know I had to go have a peek and see if there was anything I needed.
Simply Socks was on clearance, and with the percentage off, it became a better bargain that just begged to be put in my shopping cart. With a few needles and accessories, I made the $35 with no problem. I ordered last night, and according to today's email, it's already on it's way! They are fantastic about quick shipping. I also combined both orders, and got a bunch of free patterns coming, too. Can't wait to see them.
We took our son to the orthodontist to get his bite plate put in. Poor kid talks with a terrible lisp now, and eating is difficult. It'll be a couple of days, but he'll soon be used to it. After the ortho appt. I took a trip to the yarn shop. You know, it's sad. That place just doesn't have much, and there's hardly any items knitted up as samples. Heck, just a couple of swatches would be nice. They do have a knit-in yet, but the guild dissolved years ago. I was told there wasn't enough interest in it. Sigh....
I fell in love with the
Pacific Northwest Shawl from Fibertrends and decided to get that with Jaggerspun wool/silk yarn in emerald.
It's a beautiful shawl with seagulls, evergreen trees, sand dollars, water, fish and shells. However, when I arrived home, and opened my bag, I found that the store clerk had put the
Peace Shawl inside instead.
I was debating between the two, and we were going over both patterns together. She must have taken that pattern up, and I took the Pacific NW up, and the wrong one got bagged by accident. I couldn't call the shop, as it was closed at 5, so I thought I'd wait until tomorrow morning. About 9pm I got a call from the shop and she asked me if I had the wrong pattern. That was nice of her to track me down. She offered to send me the correct pattern, but I decided to keep the Peace Shawl instead. I'll be getting the Pacific NW later with another yarn purchase in the near future.
I'm almost done with my son's mittens. I'm on the last few pattern rows before shaping the fingers. I should be finished with it tomorrow. My daughter wants me to teach her how to knit something useful, so we picked out some acrylic at Walmart to make her a shawl. She loves wearing those things, and I'm hoping she'll like making it. We will be using the
shawl tutorial from for her first attempt. I think the YO increases will be easier for her instead of the knit in front/back increases. I'll be knitting along with her with a similar pattern and the same yarn (she wanted mother/daughter shawls), but I wanted something that wasn't so long in the back. Found an interesting
freebie that ties in front, so I thought I'd try that.