Sunday, October 26, 2003

Can you believe it's the last week in October already?! I don't know where the time has gone. Seems like it's really flying these days. It blows me away to be able to look at my oldest eye to eye. I have just a couple of inches on him, and I bet within the next year he'll be taller than I am.

We had a nice day at my brother's farm. It's that time of year when all the leaves are down and everything is brown, but it smells so good. While the guys were out cutting wood, I went off walking through the fields and skimmed the woods, enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of the country.

I got a little knitting done. I'm part way on the second sleeve for the Weekend Sweater, and I've started on the second sock of the EZ Fit Tube Socks. I've thought about totally changing the toe on this one and giving it a traditional toe. I have a little time to figure out what to do. I started the sock from the second skein of the Colorways, and I'm not going to be matching the colors on this one. They'll be fraternal socks - so a good excuse to change the toe.

I checked my elann shipment and it should be here in the next couple of days. I can't wait! I love getting things in the mail, especially when it concerns knitting. :-)

I need to get back to the Lion Brand hooded sweatshirt, but I ended up dropping one of the needles and it rolled under the bookcase - right up to the kickplate from behind, so right now it appears the only solution is to move the bookcase - and to do that, I'll have to unload it. UGH!! There must be an easier solution.... I know, buy more needles! :-)

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