Sunday, October 19, 2003

I finished the Spiral Mittens yesterday. The are the strangest looking things when they are off the hand - but pretty cool looking on. I still don't care for how they feel, though, but my son is thrilled with them, so I guess that's all that matters.

My daughter begged to start working on the shawls, so we took most of the day to work on them, while the men were out hunting. My daughter is doing a great job, and is so excited with watching her shawl grow. She's only 10, so I'm hoping that I can help her continue that excitement. She started a scarf last year, and it didn't get very far before it was abandoned. She says this one is more of a challenge with the YO increase and she really likes seeing the shape change. She's also excited about the thought of being able to wear it soon. Cool!

After a long day of hunting and being out in the elements, the guys decided they needed warmer socks - so I'm to do a couple of pairs of heavy wool socks ASAP. I dug out the Galway and decided on the Iowa Cruise Socks pattern from Cottage Creations. I'm about 4" into the first sock, but would have been a lot further if the yarn hadn't been broken in places. One of the 3 plies would be broken in different places on the ball. I had to start a few times and then when it appeared that there wasn't going to be any more, I finally got he ribbing started and on its way, when another broken ply showed up. This time I decided to splice and continue. It's been quite frustrating. I'll have to give Plymouth a call or email tomorrow to let them know about the problem. I can't take it back to the shop, as they are no longer around. They officially closed their doors.

I'm considering doing the top with the Galway and the foot with Icelandic Unspun from Schoolhouse Press. That should keep the feet toasty. I'm not sure how the Unspun would hold up - probably not very well since it doesn't have a twist. Maybe the Unspun with the worsted? Will have to think about that - and then drop needle size if I do decide to do it? Would need to continue gauge... I have a couple of days to decide on this. I'll probably stay boring and go with just the Galway.

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