Had a good mail day today. Received the OOP books I ordered a bit ago. I've been looking for interesting books on making sweaters and found two that I had hoped would enhance my knitting library.

Knitting Sweaters the Easy Way was purchased with no real idea what it would be like. I couldn't find any information about it, but I did know that Farm Journal has fantastic cookbooks, so I took a chance. I am pleased with what came. Being written in the 80's, the sweaters are a bit dated, but nothing with the huge batwing or shoulder pad look. Many could easily be used now. I'm looking forward to trying some, and Becky is in love with a couple that she says she HAS to have for her wardrobe.

Classy Knitting is an impressive book. It starts out with the basics such as how to knit, but as you progress into the book, it's full of invaluable information. It is a basic step-by-step guide to making and designing sweaters. I am very anxious to read this one.
I did get a little knitting done on Becky's EZ Fit Tube Sock. She doesn't want me to change the pattern at all, so I guess I won't try to improve the pattern - at her request.
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