Friday, October 24, 2003

I thought I'd have time to work on the Weekend Sweater, however, I couldn't get rid of my son long enough today to get anything done on it. I think kids have radar and know when you are trying to get rid of them.

I did get a chance to work on the Easy Shawl. I'm not sure about it yet, though. It seems to want to curl on the edges. Maybe as it gets larger plus the crocheted edging will solve that problem.

I found the E-Z Knit, E-Z Fit Tube Socks pattern and decided to try them. I'm already about half way on the first one. It's going so quickly! I'm using Plymouth Encore Colorspun DK in a pink/purple/white colorway. I purchased the yarn when I first started knitting socks. It was on sale, and I had no idea what it would look like done up. It so much fun using those unknowns. Makes the sock more exciting to work on. I just discovered tonight that there was purple in the color scheme. All I saw were the pink and white colors - the purple is tucked inside the ball. I can't wait to finish and see both how they look and more importantly, how they fit.

Hubby and I were talking today, and he decided to let me purchase my own Christmas present this year. He said that he'd rather that I get something that I really want and can use instead of him getting me something that else. So he's getting me the complete set of Dawn Brocco's Heels & Toes Gazette. That is a fantastic present that will be used a lot! I love making socks :-)

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